
photo - Saskatchewan Forest Centre
On March 14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree Society
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Saskatchewan Government
Forest Management
Interactive - Forestry
The boreal forest zone comprises 8% of the global forest land, and yields 28% of the world's industrial logs or roundwood. Russia has 73% of the closed-crown boreal forest, the Nordic countries 5% and Canada 22%. Most of Canada's forested land, 82%, is boreal. (ref:Stan Rowe) .
Saskatchewan's forest industry is poised for rapid expansion and currently produces products in excess of $750 million per year. Over half of the province is forested (355,000 square km) with 121,000 square km under major commercial development.
Eco-Network: Forest Issues in Saskatchewan
Although most people think of Saskatchewan as a land of prairies and wheat fields, more than half the province is covered by boreal forest. On the Canadian Shield, large-scale commercial forestry is just beginning. In the mixedwood region further south, much of the land is under Forest Management Licensing Agreements (FLMA), concessions granted to pulp and timber industry by the provincial government. The forest fringe, a mix of farmland and woodland, is an increasingly important supplier of pulpwood and timber. Each of these forest regions faces challenges and threats. In the mixedwood forests, the timber harvest has been increased under new Forest Management Licensing Agreements. The challenge is to ensure that commercial forestry is ecologically sustainable.
CPAWS - Saskatchewan Industrial logging occurs mostly in the southern half of Saskatchewan's forest, south of the Churchill River, where the trees are large and close to the mills. It is an industry that provides jobs and wood products that are very important to the Saskatchewan economy...For the first time in Saskatchewan history, logging is expanding onto the Canadian Shield north of the Churchill River. The Shield is a rugged rocky landscape that is fragile and easily damaged by industrial forestry. Also for the first time in Saskatchewan history, the logging industry is proposing to cut to the water's edge along lakes and rivers. Very little research has been done to measure the impacts of logging on these riparian areas (river banks and shorelines).