Sipsey Wilderness, Alabama   BobSmith
  Sep 14, 2004 18:06 PDT 

I hear that the Sipsey Wilderness in Alabama has a lot of old growth
there in the 25K acres of designated wilderness. Also, that they're
trying to add a lot of acreage to the wilderness.

Has anyone here been in there? My own love of wild places is mainly for
my native South, and specifically the Southern Appalachians. This area
looks like a good place to do some hiking and bushwhacking.
Re: Sipsey Wilderness, Alabama   Neil Pederson
  Sep 14, 2004 18:14 PDT 


Its a nice place. I hiked in there once. I recall seeing a lot of
umbrella magnolia before going into the cool ravine with hemlock. It
was a nice place for a Yanque to visit while in Alabama.

Ed Cook cored white oak in there, perhaps with Dave Stahle in late
1985 or sometime in 1986. According to his data it looks like ~ 1/2
of the trees sampled are 250+ years old. 2 of the trees were over 300
