I traveled back to Mobile Sunday with a friend to measure a couple
of Live Oaks and a Magnolia I saw there on my last weeks visit. We
saw several Live Oaks in the 20'-22' CBH range as we drove around
Mobiles Historic District. There are hundreds of large Live Oaks
planted thoughout the city, along streets. Most I read were planted
between 1840 and 1900. I'll have to go to the library and visit the
historical society to get more details.
The first tree we did was the large Magnolia I spied last week on an
earlier visit. The Fred Frambough Magnolia growing at 1911 Dauphing
St. It is the fourth Magnolia I've measured since I've been with
ENTS. The house where the tree is growing was built in 1907. The
tree was there before that,c I'm guessing the mid 1800's. Not tall
but wilh a massive trunk and large crown, loaded with flowers. Mr.
Frambough was kind enough to let me measure and photograph this big
Magnolia. CBH-18' 10", Height-57' and Spread-105' X 70.7'. Thats 327
total points.
The first Live Oak we did is also on Dauphin St., at 2601, growing
in front of a law office. CBH-22' 5", Height- 57' and Spread-143.5'
X 126'. A large tree with a nice crown and healthy. We ate lunch
under the Oak and then proceeded to a bigger tree just off of
Springhill Ave. The Pharr Oak at 211 Woodlands Ave., CBH-25',
Height-57' and Spread-135.5' X 138'. Tough to get an exact CBH due
to all the ground cover. This Live Oak had some of the largest
leaves I've seen. Mr. Mobley the homeowner was glad to let me
document this tree. It is listed at #20 on the Mobile Tree Trail,
and he was grateful that an Organization like ENTS existed. The
Listing is now at 126 Live Oaks. Some photos!
The Frambough
MagnoliaH-57' Spread-105'x70.5 2.JPG
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The Frambough
MagnoliaH-57' Spread-105'x70.5.JPG
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The Pharr Oak 2
Height-57' Spread-135.5' x 138'.JPG
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