of the Forest Summit Lecture Series |
Leverett |
30, 2006 10:02 PST |
Well, the 4th combined event in the Forest Summit Lecture Series
Western Massachusetts ENTS Rendezvous enters the history books
as an
unqualified success. Gary, Monica, and I are ready to relax.
thoroughly pooped. However, we can't rest on our laurels too
long. The
April event in Cook Forest is not that far away.
This year's events began on Wednesday evening with Monica and
teaming up to play classical music in Monica's music room. Lee
his violin and Monica has her two pianos. The event was
impromptu. I was
the audience. Boy, was it tough work. I had to play the part of
types of listeners to make the audience seem authentic. Next
year I
think they plan to do it again, but we'll organize the event
into a more
formal one, but keep it in Monica's beautiful music room.
Thursday began with a survey of Robinson State
Park. The walk in
Robinson was attended by Lee Frelich, Gary Beluzo, Will Blozan,
botanist Pam Weatherbee, Friends activist Ray Weber, and 3 state
officials. I think we fairly conclusively settled the issue. No
maple. After looking at various areas marked for harvesting, we
went after Robinson's Rucker index.
Will Blozan did his usual eagle-eyed spotting
of new height
candidates. He quickly focuses in on tall tree candidates of all
species. By the time we had left Robinson, the Rucker Index had
from 112.2 up to 117.8! Robinson is now #1 in the Connecticut
Valley region, jumping well past Mount Tom's 115.8. Robinson is
home to
the State's tall tree champion tuliptree at 139.1 feet.
On Friday we had he usual stellar performers
at the HCC Forum.
Presentations by Michael Kudish, Lee Frelich, Tom Diggins, Tony
Will Blozan, and Dale Luthringer represented the ecology-based
After that Robinson SP became the focus of attention. EOEA
representative Bob O'Connor, Ray Weber representing Friends of
SP, and myself made presentations. We ran over on time, so Ed
presentation of ENTS accomplishments had to be rescheduled.
On Saturday, we assembled in MTSF to the sound
and feel of raindrops
and they never stopped. So, Will's scheduled climb of the
Pine was canceled. After slogging around for a time, we
eventually cried
uncle (except for Lee, who didn't notice the mild weather) and
to go to the Charlemont Inn and dry out. Lee Frelich and Ed
Frank then
made excellent presentations before dinner. Lee gave us more
grim news
about the earthworm invasion. Lee has so many presentations that
he can
give off the top of his head that the entire lecture series
could be
successfully done letting Lee give a presentation, take a break,
Lee back, take a break, etc. Ed followed with a presentation of
some of
the history of ENTS and the major accomplishments of ENTS in the
convincing manner ever done. Ed came through again.
After dinner Dr. Don Bragg gave an
excellent presentation on big
trees in the southwestern corner of the ENTS domain. We saw the
water tupelos that were discovered in the field trips associated
the Ecological Society of America's recent gathering.
After Don's presentation, it was off to
the Federated Church of
Charlemont to her Roman Dial's riveting look at life in the
canopy of
the tropical giants. Roman brought his mother and son up from
So, in terms of travel distance for an ENTS gathering, Roman
holds the
record. Seeing inspiring images of the tropical giants followed
pictures of the devastation of the tropical rainforests was
sobering. It
is abundantly clear that the human forces of planetary
destruction are
outpacing the forces of conservation. I couldn't help thinking
that our
species is proving to be by far the worst parasite that planet
Earth has
ever seen.
On a more positive note, Roman's lecture was
followed by our
celebration of trees through music, poetry, and prose, which was
absolutely outstanding. There will be more to come on the
but suffice it to say that ENTS amply demonstrated itself to be
far more
than an organization that measures trees. Professor and concert
Monica Jakuc Leverett and tenor Peter Shea were their customary
outstanding selves. Again, more about the ENTS celebration in
On Sunday, we went to Ice Glen where we
quickly raised the Rucker
Index to 127.0, courtesy of John Eichholz's keen eye. I have
doubt that the index will go slightly higher, perhaps to 127.5
or 127.6.
The main event at Ice Glen was Will's climb of
the old Ice Glen white
pine. Because of the curvature of the upper trunk and the tangle
gnarly limbs, Will could not drop the tape vertically, but
snaked it
down the trunk. The length of the path was 155.8 feet.
Consequently, we
didn't change the pine's lasered height of 154.3 feet, which I
is with 0.2 or 0.3 feet of the tree's conventional height.

Will Blozan in the Ice Glen Pine - photo by Holly
Post |

Will Blozan in the Ice Glen Pine - photo by Holly
Post |
The big deal was the volume modeling. Dale
Luthringer stayed on the
ground and recorded Will's girth measurements via walkie-talkie.
repeated girth measurements and subsequent calculations, Will
the volume of the Ice Glen Pine at 920 cubic feet of trunk
volume. Were
limbs added, the volume would likely be just at 1000 cubes.

Will Blozan in the Ice Glen Pine - photo by Holly Post
Well, that is in rendezvous in a nutshell.
Robert T. Leverett
Cofounder, Eastern Native Tree Society
ENTS Rendezvous--call for pix |
Bragg |
10, 2006 10:45 PST |
Sorry I haven't been posting recently, but I just got back from
different adventures (including the ENTS Rendezvous), and
haven't had
time to give my impressions. What an event!! I really enjoyed
the day
on the Mohawk Trail State Forest that I was able to spend, and
presentations were great! I only wish that my travel schedule
have permitted me more time for the meeting...
Speaking of the meeting, I would like to once again make an
appeal for
people to send me pictures from the Rendezvous and the Forest
Summit. I
would like to work some into the next issue of the Bulletin,
which I
will soon be working on. Also, for those of you that spoke to me
submissions, please send them to me ASAP!!
I would also like to thank Dale Luthringer for taking me out one
to laser-up some of those magnificent pines on the Cook Forest.
I now
have a greater appreciation for 180-foot white pine than ever,
and the
amount of effort it takes to get as many records as Dale has in
dense, steep woodlands.
Don Bragg
Don Bragg, Ph.D.
Research forester
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