Mount Tom Hemlock - photos by Will Blozan
More on the just concluded
conference-ENTS rendezvous. On Friday
Will, Jess, Ed, Carl, and I headed to William Cullen Bryant
homestead to
show Jess Riddle one of the white pine stands that he keeps
about on the list. Lee stayed at Monica's house to practice for
concert. Lee had practically no time to prepare for the concert,
from my perspective, was one heck of a sport to agree to play
the violin
on a score that he was seeing for the first time.
At the Bryant site, we wanted to
remodel the Edward McDowell white
pine with the RD 1000. Given its hefty 12.8 to 13.1-foot CBH,
modeled volume of 586 cubes seemed light. However, when we got
there and
the three of us re-examined the tree's rapid taper, remodeling
seemed worth it. It just didn't hold that much volume. So, for
present, we decided to go with my first modeling. Will then
modeling a large, slow tapering pine that stood near by. It is a
beautiful tree that I've subsequently named the Walt Whitman
tree. The
pine has a respectible CBH of 11.7 feet and it tapers very
slowly. I
turned the RD 1000 over to Will and Jess to give them an
opportunity to
use the instrument. Will scanned as much of the full height of
feet of the Walt Whitman pine that visibility and the RD 1000
allow. Carl Harting benignly devoted his time to hunting for the
red pen
I had dropped in my excitement.
After finishing the taking of his
readings and turning over the RD
1000 to Jess, Will quickly confirmed another 150-foot white pine
- right
on the trail! Another 150 under my nose. I managed to hide my
red face.
It was the first of many such faces I was forced to mask over
the period
of Friday to Sunday. It happens on each visit Will makes to
The new 150 in Bryant Woods that
Will confirmed has a CBH of 9.7
feet. It becomes the 5th great white to reach the Thoreau
threshold in
the Bryant Woods. There is another in there that is borderline
150. I'll
remeasure it later in the fall. I suspect that there are now at
seven 150s in the Bryant woods and in time there will be a dozen
more. What is the site's secret as the number two location of
tall white
pines in Massachusetts and the number three in New England? Ed
confirmed that the sand-clay mixture has good water retaining
on the gently sloping white pine site that varies in altitude
from 1350
to 1450 feet. The site is on the side of a very long, gently
ridge that eventually reaches 2080 feet at the summit of Bryant
Mountain, where scatterings of red spruce remind one of the cool
climate. The whole area is worth a greater exploration.
While at Bryant's, I asked Will to
remeasure another fine tree that
I knew was in the 150 Club. It's more substantial 10.8-foot CBH
and a
side-branch's witch's broom make it highly conspicuous. Will's
measurement yielded 154.8 feet. I've renamed the tree the Emily
Dickenson white pine. The illusive 150 that I plan to remeasure
become the Amy Beech pine.
Will also suggested that I model a
downed white pine for volume and
taper - an excellent suggestion. I plan to do that this coming
weather permitting. There are questions that we need to answer
concerning rates of taper in the crown region of the white pine.
The RD
1000 is virtually useless in that zone for reasons of trunk
and the RD's design limitations. You can't contract the scale
sufficiently to mask the narrow upper trunk.
While at Monica's, Will and I took a
walk down the street to look at
what I had identified as a scarlet oak. It was and became the
height champion. Only minutes afterward, Will confirmed a
scarlet in the same yard. How many times had I walked by the
tree. Oh,
the shame of it all! I spent most of the remaining time of
Will's visit
trying to think up excuses for not having measured the tree.
Lee, Monica, Jess, Will, and I
walked in Monica's woods. There is a
diversity of species there that merits further documentation.
Jess kept
identifying scarlet oaks. The bloody place is awash in them.
There were
other identifications. Lee noticed gold thread plus some dainty
and discussed forest processes with Monica that likely explains
structure and species composition of the area. BTW, Monica's
Rucker index now stands at 109.8.
On Sunday AM, Lee, Will, Jess, and
I headed for the huge Sunderland
sycamore. Its girth is now 25.2 inches! Its longest lateral limb
is 82.5 feet. Modeled for full linear stretch, the limb's length
to almost 89 feet. That is clearly the longest limb we have
although the limb on the Pinchot sycamore that BVP modeled back
in Oct
2001might be longer. Will estimates the volume of the Sunderland
sycamore to be 2000+ cubes. Our challenge over the next year
will be to
refine our modeling and get Will and others permission to climb
model the tree.
The Hatfield sycamore's CBH is now
24.2 feet. It's no slouch.

Will bagged the height champion
balsam fir on Friday at around 78
feet, if I recall. So he has at least two new state height
records. He
also modeled a white pine in MTSF just under 100 feet that has a
to diameter ratio of 150 to 1. That's another tree I buzzed past
on my
way to measure only the grandest. Oh the shame of it all.
While at MTSF on Saturday, Will
remeasured the Jake Swamp white
pine and got 167.3 feet. That is exactly where I have the tree.
satisfied with this season's measurement. With good growth next
Jake just might make 168.
More in my next e-mail.
Robert T. Leverett
Cofounder, Eastern Native Tree Society