Sunday afternoon Marcus Houtchings was kind enough to take
Randy Brown, James Parton, and myself to a huge Pecan just outside
Park. The largest Pecan any of us have ever seen.

H-105' CBH-18' 1"
I'll post a photo later, this tree was growing on private
property in an
old field. The Rawls Pecan is around 100-150 years old. Probably
planted in the mid 1800's, still producing a small nut. Again I want
to thank Marcus for everything he did with us this weekend.
[Vic Shelburne, Feb 24, 2009]
Wow, thanks for all your help last weekend. I know the ENTS
appreciated it and I really enjoyed our rush through the woods on
Friday afternoon. We had over 30 people from the SC Native Plant
Society on Saturday on 7.8 mile hike guided by John Cely. Somehow
missed the ENTS at the Loblolly pine so that was a little
disappointing but the group was fairly worn out anyway.
As for the pecan noted below, it looks like it will be a co-champ
with the current record in York county - see info on existing State
Champ below. Remember you have to multiply the average crown spread
by 0.25 and I think you forgot to do so. So for the pecan you guys
measured: 217 points for 217 inches CBH, 105 points for 105 feet in
ht. and 31 points for average crown spread of 124' x .25 = 353
Total points. Send pics and gps also!
For the tree in York County (see
3. Circumference of tree in inches at 4 ½ feet
4. Total vertical height to nearest foot
5. Average crown spread to nearest foot
6.Total Points 357 Points
Vic Shelburne
SC Big Tree Coordinator
Larry, ENTS!
[James Parton, Feb 25, 2009]WoW, It is so cool to be involved
with finding a co-champion pecan.
Another possible record is the 97 foot holly we measured in Congaree.
It would be second in height only to that 106 footer in the Smokies.
Will measured the height on this one and I the girth. Larry and
another ENT did the spread.
Another one I wonder about is one of the Willow Oaks we measured
Sunday. I measured it to 137.5 feet. Someone else got 136 something.
have no idea what the records for that tree is. I remember the
being impressive. Larry measured a decent spread and I cannot
who measured the girth and what they got. It is probably on Larry's
other post. I'll have to look.
This ENTS measuring expedition was the greatest group effort
has ever seen. Will, Bob and Larry were our elite measuring leaders
Saturday with Marcus as our guide. I just wish Bob Leverett could
joined us.
I will be curious to see how everything stands when all the data
in and is compared to existing records.
James P.
[Larry Tucie, February 25, 2009]
The New State Co-Champion Pecan H-105' CBH-18' 1" Avg.
Sp-150'x97.5' Congrats. Marcas Houtings for finding this Awesome

Lawrence Tucei Jr.
Continued at:

