Eastern Native Tree Society - Links Page |
University of Arkansas Tree
Ring Laboratory http://www.uark.edu/misc/dendro/
The Tree-Ring Laboratory (TRL) was established in 1979
and concentrates on the development of exactly-dated annual tree-ring
chronologies from ancient forests worldwide. These tree-ring
chronologies are based on small non-destructive core samples taken from
living trees, and cross-sections cut from dead logs. Tree-ring
chronologies provide unique archives of environmental history, and have
important applications to climatology, ecology, hydrology, seismology,
archaeology, and history.
Center For
Hardwood Ecology http://www.cnr.umn.edu/FR/CFHE
The Center For Hardwood Ecology at the University of Minnesota is an
intercollegiate unit with the College of Natural Resources and College of Biological Sciences
The founder of the center, Lee E. Frelich, is the current
director. Margaret B. Davis and Peter B. Reich are co-founders of the center.
The mission of the Center for Hardwood Ecology is
"To locate, protect, and study a very rare ecosystem: old-growth hardwood
forests in the Midwest and eastern U.S., to use the knowledge gained from
old-growth ecosystems to restore second growth forests and forests that have
been converted to other uses, and to bridge the gaps between science,
conservation, and management in hardwood forests. The center meets the mission statement through three goals: 1) Fund a comprehensive research program aimed at producing the knowledge we need to save, manage, and perpetuate the remnants of an endangered ecosystem--old growth hardwood forests in the Midwest and eastern U.S.,
2) Provide educational opportunities for the best students who are interested in research or management careers in natural resources, 3) Bring the University of MN national and international recognition as a center of excellence in forest ecology.
Ancient Cross Timbers Project:
The Cross Timbers are the post oak and blackjack oak woodlands that form
the western frontier of deciduous forests in Texas, Oklahoma, and
southeastern Kansas. Literally thousands of acres of ancient forest
survive in the Cross Timbers because these stout oaks were too short and
craggy for commercial sawlog production. Post oak trees up
to 400 years old and red cedar trees over 500 years old have been found
in these interesting woodlands. Unfortunately, the great antiquity of
the uncut Cross Timbers is not widely appreciated and they continue to
be destroyed. This project is dedicated to the location and
appreciation of these authentic ancient forest remnants. http://www.uark.edu/misc/xtimber/
Primal Nature
http://www.primalnature.org (absorbs the site http://www.old-growth.org
and the Eastern Old Growth Clearinghouse.) The new site will continue to give news of eastern old-growth forests but will gradually extend its coverage to other types of ecosystems.
A project of Yggdrasil of Earth Island Institute, the Eastern Old Growth Clearinghouse was founded in 1996 to further the preservation and restoration of old-growth forests in the eastern United States.
American Forests
American Forests works to protect, restore and enhance the natural
capital of trees and forests. American Forests Register of Big
Trees: http://www.americanforests.org/resources/bigtrees/
www.ancientforests.us www.carbon-negative.us www.nutrient-dense.info www.dyarrow.org
Eastern OLDLIST http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~adk/oldlisteast/ Eastern OLDLIST is a 'franchise' database of OLDLIST, a database of ancient trees and their ages. The purpose of this list is to identify and highlight the maximum ages for different species in eastern North America as documented through tree-ring analysis over the last few decades such that exceptionally old age individuals may be recognized.
Database http://www.conifers.org/
The Gymnosperm Database was established as an online entity in
the summer of 1997 and has since grown steadily, getting its
own URL (Conifers.org) in the summer of 1999. Currently the
Database provides basic information (sometimes only a name)
for all species and higher-ranked taxa of the gymnosperms,
i.e., conifers, cycads, and their allies.
Ultimate Tree-Ring web pages, http://web.utk.edu/~grissino/ designed to be the ULTIMATE source for information on the science of Dendrochronology. I've designed these pages to be easily understood by people at all levels of education, from elementary school students to high school students, from first grade teachers to college professors. You won't find anything fancy here - I want these pages to be readable, enjoyable, and (most of all) educational. My goal is to make available as much information about dendrochronology as I can possibly find on the Internet, from the basics of tree-ring dating, to reference and bibliographic information, to products and supplies, to books, and more!
Friends of Allegheny Wilderness
http://www.pawild.org 220 Center Street Warren, PA 16365 (814) 723-0620 alleghenyfriends@earthlink.net
Techno Tree Biology Dictionary Some works
by Dr. Alex Shigo: Shigo and Trees, Associates LLC |
Tennessee Hemlock Rescue http://www.tnhemlockrescue.org/ This organization is dedicated to the preservation of the Eastern Hemlock, Tsuga canadensis, a tree species threatened by an introduced insect, the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid or "HWA". Throughout the Appalachians, entire forests of this tree have been destroyed and HWA is now well established in Cherokee and Nantahala National Forests where most trees are in severe decline. Many are near death including the giant 300-400 year-old Hemlocks of the Citico and Kilmer-Slickrock Wilderness Areas and Great Smoky Mountain National Park (GSMNP). Although many trees within the park have been treated, the national forest wilderness areas remain almost entirely unprotected. This organization will work to ensure the preservation of at least a small number of intact old-growth Hemlock stands within the wilderness areas of Tennessee and surrounding states as well as other appropriate areas. | |
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North American Bear Research http://www.bear.org/ Our focus is to improve the understanding and appreciation of North American Bears, their role in the ecosystem, and their relationship to humans through education, research, and rehabilitation. It is the mission of the North American Bear Center to be a leader in providing understanding and appreciation of black bears, their role in the ecosystem and their relationship to humans. This will be accomplished through a facility that promotes and provides educational facilities, exhibits, multi-media presentations, and when prudent, live animals, particularly those needing clinical rehabilitation. North American Bear Center, 1926 Hwy 169, Ely, Minnesota 55731 phone: 218-365-7879 |
The Laboratory of Tree Ring Research http://tree.ltrr.arizona.edu/ The primary mission of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research is to apply dendrochronology (the study of tree rings) to improve understanding of natural environmental variability in climatic, hydrologic, geomorphic, and ecological systems and their interactions with human societies. Located at The University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona, the LTRR was the first dendrochronology laboratory anywhere in the world, first established in 1937 by A.E. Douglass. Today, it serves as one of the premier tree-ring research facilities with nearly 90 personnel investigating nearly all topics in dendrochronology. Current research efforts are directed toward the quantification of tree-ring parameters, the establishment of new tree-ring chronologies throughout the world, the use of tree rings in the study of forest ecosystems, the reconstruction of paleohydrologic and paleoclimatic variables, and the documentation and development of prehistoric chronological controls. | |
USDA Forest Service http://www.fs.fed.us/
Silvics of North America
United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Agriculture
Handbook 654. Russell M. Burns and Barbara H.
Honkala, Technical Coordinators |
Dr. Steve Sillett website: http://www.humboldt.edu/~sillett/redwoods.html |
USDA's Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Web Site http://www.na.fs.fed.us/fhp/hwa/ It has tons of info as well as links to the USDA specialists working on this issue. |
USDA Southern Research Station |
Park Service and Forest Service Addresses
To find addresses and emails for various forest service and USDA
people you To find the addresses and emails for National Park Service People and |
Ancient Forest Exploration
and Research http://www.ancientforest.org/ Ancient Forest Exploration and Research (AFER) is a non-profit organization dedicated to scientific research and education related to ancient and old growth forests. Our website contains maps, information about ancient forest and our research results.
Ancient Forest Exploration & Research (AFER) was created in 1992 by
Dr. Peter Quinby and a small board of directors, to address the loss of
Ontario's forest heritage by conducting scientific research, and
education of the public.
Forest Ecology Network http://www.powerlink.net/fen/ The purpose of the Forest Ecology Network is to protect, preserve, and defend the native forest environment of Maine through public awareness, grassroots citizen activism, and education
Rocky Mountain Tree Ring Research, Inc. -Old List
OLDLIST is a database containing maximum ages of
trees by species. The purpose of the database is to serve as a
baseline for the maximum known ages of different species, such that
individual trees of exceptional ages may be recognized. A portion
of the database listing the oldest trees of 30 different species is
given. The oldest species in the database is Pinus longaeva, with
the oldest individual tree at 4,844 years old. The oldest
angiosperm tree in the database is a Quercus alba at 407 years old.
A request is made to interested scientists to contribute to the
DNR Old Growth Forest http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forests/oldgrowth/index.html
Record-Breakers. http://waynesword.palomar.edu/ww0601.htm The old adage, "records are made to be broken," certainly applies to plants. Each year gardeners from throughout the world compete with their largest tomatoes and squash, largest potatoes and turnips, largest orchids, tallest sunflowers and dozens of other superlative categories. Authenticated records of their prized fruits, vegetables and blossoms appear in the latest editions of the Guinness Book Of World Records. But of all the botanical records, the most remarkable come from wild plants growing in their natural habitats. These "contestants" compete in a vast natural arena known as the world ecosystem or biosphere. Although most of these astonishing plants are listed in the Guinness Book, several have never been rightfully acknowledged. http://waynesword.palomar.edu/ww0601.htm
GoogleEarth http://earth.google.com
It is a free download program. It merges 3D rendered terrain mapping
with Landsat and NAPP aerial photography to create near photorealistic
visualization of anyplace on earth with zooming, panning, rotating,
tilting, and fly-bys. I visited Cook Forest, Mohawk, the Porkies, and
the Smokies with it. The Grand Canyon works really well with it. In
Chicago, turning on "Buildings" enables low res 3D building
outlines to help you visualize the downtown area. You can mark locations
anywhere and then email them to others as .kml files. It requires a PC
made in the last couple of years or so and a reasonably fast internet
connection. A pay version adds additional GIS import functionality . ![]() Here's a page to outline areas on a Google map or aerial photo and
then calculate the area within: |
Cook Forest State Park,
PA: http://www.greenworks.tv/landuse/cook_forest/index.html
http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/stateparks/parks/cookforest.asp http://www.cookforest.com/
Tree-Ring Laboratory of
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/res/fac/trl/
Voice: (845) 365-8517, Fax: (845) 365-8152
International Canopy
Network http://www.evergreen.edu/ican/
The International Canopy Network (ICAN) is devoted to facilitating the continuing interaction of people concerned with forest canopies and forest ecosystems around the world.
ICAN is a non-profit organization supported by a global community of scientists, conservation advocates, canopy educators, and environmental professionals. The organization is funded by subscriber dues, donations, and grants.
Hiking Forums
HikingForums.net http://www.hikingforums.net/
Welcome to the Climbing Community |
Google Scientific
Publication Search Engine: http://scholar.google.com/
Google has a special search engine for scientific publications.
A Manual and Tutorial
for the Proper Use of an Increment Borer by Henri D. Grissino-Mayer
Tree-Ring Research, Vol. 59(2), 2004, pp. 63-79 900 kb pdf
document. http://web.utk.edu/~grissino/downloads/borer2003.pdf
500-year Forest
Foundation http://www.500yearforestfdn.org/
The 500-Year Forest Foundation offers support and services to landowners who are commited to the preservations of the country's woodlands
UN report on ecosystem
health. The popularized version looks like a great resource
for teachers to use. http://www.millenniumassessment.org//en/Products.Synthesis.aspx |
A World Community of Old
Trees http://www.nyu.edu/projects/julian/index.html
An Eco-Art Project in Progress by June Julian Tree Gallery: Leaf through artists' current images of ancient trees and Add Your Own. Tree Museum: Explore the Roots of the tree image as it appears throughout art history, Participate in an Open Archive Tree Talk http://www.nyu.edu/projects/julian/treetalk.html Please add to this list of photos and facts about trees around the world. Branch out and discover ecological facts about ancient trees and add to the Commentree |
Database of Native
Plants from UT-Austin http://www.wildflower.org/plants/ (It includes trees.) |
Forests Forever http://www.forests-forever.com/ Your dream forest may lie within, The forest you have entered in your dreams. An irreplaceable treasure, our children's inheritance. |
the Giants http://www.ascendingthegiants.com
TED Talks about trees
Institute of Botany of
the Chinese Academy of Sciences We have recently constructed a
webpage for our tree-ring lab at the Institute of Botany of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences. We are happy to let our colleagues know what we are
doing in tree-ring research in China. The webpage is at http://trl.ibcas.ac.cn |
Dendrochronology Research Group Bibliography of Canadian Tree-Ring Research http://cgrg.geog.uvic.ca/cgi-bin/cdsearch.cgi CanDendro Website http://www.mta.ca/candendro/ |