TOPIC: Tree ring counting
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Date: Fri, Jan 11 2008 7:56 pm
From: Daniel P Mcconnell
In my research I glue the cores to a board with a notch which will
"accept" the cylinder, wait for the glue to dry, then sand
until nearly
flush with the mounting board with an electric sander eventually to
grit. I count with an insect mounting pin, dipped in ink if
under a compound (dissecting) stereoscope. Works great, unless you
haven't kept track and reached 112... or was it 111, or 113? haha
fun. I enjoy aging new individuals of fragrant cliff fern (state
threatened here in Michigan) I have found... more straightforward.
me know if anyone is interested in aging ferns!
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Date: Fri, Jan 11 2008 9:12 pm
From: Carolyn Summers
Ok, can you age cinnamon ferns? Let me guess, by the height of the
they make? Perhaps our bog has old growth cinnamon ferns.
Carolyn Summers
[ENTS] ENTS Maximum Ages of Eastern Trees
It would be even harder to try to count rings from a photo. The best
way to go about it, with minimal equipment, would be to get one of
those cheap pair of magnifying glasses at Wal-mart or Target. Get
the most powerful. Then use something with a fine point - a
sharpened pencil, or a dissecting probe, and use that to keep your
place as you count. If you have a cross-section or a core, you can
use a piece of tape to make a small mark on it every ten rings or
so. Take your time and count multiple times.
There are a number of good tree ring sites on the web. One place
to start is: The Ultimate Tree-Ring Web Pages http://web.utk.edu/~grissino/
For a educational tract try: http://www.plantbio.ohiou.edu/dendro/
Introduction to Dendrochronology.